Mix / Blend Movies is a movie mixing plug-in for iMovie, and represents one of our finest achievement in composition technology. It combines the capabilites of our 'Minify', 'multiple movies' and 'simple mask' plug-ins into a single, powerful, and incredibly easy-to-use package, and then improves on them. Mix/blend movies can
position, and re-size the movie to be inserted anywhere on the clip (this means that the you are not limited to a 1:1 blend!)
auto-generate a wide range of blend masks (16 base masks with millions of variants each)
import blend masks created with other applications
Create blend masks from any picture
auto-scale the blend mask to fit the blended movie (freeing you of this tedious task)
auto-sync the imported movie to the clip''s length, ensuring that they play exactly the same time (making filming the two Clips much easier)
auto-enforce proportions, so you can re-size the imported movie without distoring it